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it's my picture

Senin, 09 September 2013

Treasure Island

Crash! Young Jim Hawkins races over to Billy Bones, an old sea captain who is staying the Hawkins’ seaside inn. The odd sailor has died of a stroke. In his hand he holds a circle of black paper called the black spot – a pirate’s death sentence. “They’re coming for me.” Bones has told Jim earlier. “It’s my old sea chest they’re after.” Jim is scared. What does the black spot mean? Who is comis for Bones? What in the chest is so important? Not wasting any time, Jim rushes over to Bones’ old sea chest. Jim opens it, fearful of what he might find inside. He picks up an old packet and is just about to open it when he hears the voices of strangers. Jim tucks the packet away and runts out of the inn. Pausing to catch his breath, Jim decides that the packet must be very valuable, so he takes it two people he trusts, Dr. Livesey and John Trelawney. The three hold their breath as they open the packet. Inside, they discover a treasure map! The map reveals that Captain Flint, a feared pirate, hid his treasure on a tropical island, and a black “X” marks the spot where it is buried. “This map shows where Flint’s treasure is!” Jim exclaims. “Let’s go get it!” Jim and his two friend organize an expedition to find the treasure. They hire sailor for their crew, but Jim doesn’t like the looks of one sailor, Long John Silver. He is always smiling, but Jim doesn’t trust him. Little does Jim know that Silver and many of the other sailor were once members of Captain Flint’s crew. Thet are pirates, and they are after Flint’s treasure as well. Fortunately for Jim, he does trust the ship’s captain, Captin Smollett, who is tall, strong, and honest. As the ship sails off, Jim feels confident, but this confidence is shaken after the ship’s first mate mysteriously dies. Jim then overhears Silver plotting with the rest of the pirate crew to mutiny. Alarmed, Jim dashes off to tell Captain Smollet this news. “We’ll have to be on our toes,” Smollett says, calming Jim down, and soon they come up with a plan. When they reach the island, the pirates go ashore first. Captain Smollet and his men follow later, and they take over an old stockade. From this protected location, they are able to battle to pirates. Meanwhile, Jim has his own adventures on the island. He comes across Ben Gunn, who was marooned on the island years earlier. When Jim returns to the stockade, though, rough hand seize him. The pirates took over the fort while Jim was away, and Silver has take possession of the treasure map. “This is for you!” says one pirate, handing Jim a black spot “That means death,” a laughing Silver tells Jim “Not so fast,” says anothe pirate. “Here’s one for you, too.” Silver gulps as he looks at the black spot in his hand. “Jim,” he says quietly, “I know we’ve had our differences, but maybe we can help each other – and save both our lives!” Jim has no choice but to cooperate with Silver, who convinces the pirates not to kill them. In exchange for their lives, Silver takes the pirates directly to where the treasure is buried. When they reach the location, though, their mouth drop open. It has already been dug up! The cracks of musket shots ring out as Dr. Livesey and Ben Gunn fire on the pirates, and Jim is rescued. The men then lead Jim to a cave. There, in the light of a bright bonfire, Jim sees the gold bars and coins guarded by Captain Smollett. The treasure of Captain Flint is theirs!

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